Black is Best

People are always making fun of me because I own so much black. If I had to think numbers, I would say at the least 60% and at the most 80%.


It’s not that I planned it that way. It just so happens the sweaters, shirts, pants, etc. that I like and look good in tend to be black. And don’t get me started on my dresses.

Black dress

I am overflowing in black dresses. I even try super hard to get colors, any color; but it never works. But hey, you know what they say about black dresses:


I guess the reason I gravitate towards it is that black always looks good.


And unlike certain colors that can only be worn at certain times of the year, black can be worn anytime and everywhere (except a day or afternoon wedding).



And no matter the occasion, chore, meeting, etc.; black clothing works for what ever you are doing that day:


But I guess they are right. My closet could use a little more variety of color.



For more on my love of clothing that is black, go to A Woman in Black

For more of my fashion taste, go to A Fashion Statement

For more Coco Chanel, go to I Will Not Bend, I Will Not Break

For more on Star Wars, go to The Fantom Menance

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