Six Degrees of Separation

Reading books are really special, not only for their content:


But the fact that something you read can become a part of you. The characters can become your friends, family, a part of who you are.


We love them so much that if asked, it would hard to pick just one.


But have you ever thought about how a book you love is loved and touched by others? Especially a library book.


Have you ever thought about how every book you check out has been checked out by countless others. Even though each book affects people in a different way; it still is pretty amazing how many people can be reached through a book.


So there used to be something that I would do in novels I borrowed from the library. I would leave little things in them for the next reader.

Bookmarks, stickers, quotes, pictures, etc. I thought that maybe these little gifts would enhance the reader’s life, maybe make them very happy. Brighten their day.


I stopped doing it after a while because I started to think that maybe I was causing more trouble for the library workers who have to check through the books.

clueless mybad oops

But after a while I started to do it again. I joined the site PaperBackSwap and as I sent out my books to trade; I sometimes include little things: bookmarks, cards, etc. To thank them and set a smile on their face too.

Double double yay

Is that a weird thing to do? Or something you do as well?


For more Neil Gaiman, go to One of Many

For more Virgina Woolf, go to True Treasure

For more book-filled posts, go to The Strange Case of a Fangirl and Her Fandoms