We Share a Deep Connection


This is so, so true. Whenever I found out someone has similar interests in the same novels as me, or that they share the same love of books, I feel just like Anne Shirley; we are kindred spirits.



One time I freaked a guy out by telling him that. This guy Burt and I were discussing books we loved in English, and after we had exclaimed our similar interests, I announced that we were kindred spirits, you know just goofing around. I guess he thought I was serious and was after him, or something, and distanced himself from me as far as he possibly could. Oh well, I can’t help the fact that I can be so intimidating, I was just born that way.


And for all you people that intimidate others without meaning to, who are just living their life accidentally scaring, frightening, or freaking others out; embrace it. Embrace the fact that you are intimidating and use you powers for good,not evil; to help make the world a better place. 😉

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