They Choose the Wrong Person to Be a Hero: Dark Crystal (1982)

They choose the wrong person to be a hero

So I wrote this post in May, long before Netflix did their prequel TV show, so I’m actually on pointe without planning it.

I’m surprised

Now since that show came out, I have seen AAAAAA LOOOOOOOOOT of love for this movie. If this movie was your favorite thing ever, just walk away from this post now. I can already tell you won’t like it.

So I have been wanting to watch this movie for a loooong time. We had a copy at the library, but someone stole it.

The people who steal things from the library will have a special place in hell for their misdeeds.

My friend felt the same way, so when we saw it on Amazon Prime we started watching it.


I did not care for it at all.

I had like no clue what was going on…

Neither of us could

Although Jen did have a fantastic ’80s glam rock hairdo.

Jen is probably the least heroic hero I have ever seen in a film. He couldn’t do anything!

Kira is awesome!

She’s the one that had to carry the film. She should have been the chosen one and saved the day! She was the cool one that kicked butt.

This whole film reminded me a bit of The Black Cauldron– guy secluded away by a warrior, meets a girl who is more awesome, have to stop evil but in reality someone else giving their life actually saves the world. But Taran was a much more likable than Jen.

As I said earlier, Kira was awesome! I mean she could fly, was brave, strong, an interesting character. She should have been the chosen one, and you can’t convince me otherwise.

I didn’t like it! I mean visually it was interesting but story wise I thought it was kind of a mess.

To start Horrorfest VIII from the beginning, go to Count Dracula the Propagator of This Unspeakable Evil Has Disappeared. He Must Be Found and Destroyed!: Horror of Dracula (1958)

For more ’80s films, go to Basil of Baker Street: The Great Mouse Detective (1986)