Night of Day of the Dead: Lizzie McGuire (2001)


You ate the food offering of the Day of the Dead? You stole the sacred meal of my dead ancestors?

Its Halloween night and in Lizzie McGuire world that means her school is putting on a Halloween carnival. Unfortunately for her, Matt will be there. 😦


Kate is in charge of the carnival, Fright Night, and as usual and all of Lizzie’s friends are helping out. Miranda wants to include things from Dia de los Muertos, and while Kate isn’t really into that, the rest of the group are able to convince her. Miranda warns everyone to respect the skeleton representations of the ancestors, because if you don’t bad things can happen to you.

Lizzie really wants to be Vampira, the dungeon mistress and Kate says its okay as long as she cleans out the sticky, icky, nasty janitor’s closet.

Now this girl is in 7th/8th grade and she wants to wear this costume.  That’s really raunchy for a girl her age. If I was her parents I would keep a closer eye on her.

Gordo helps Lizzie out of course because he is in love with her. I never understood how it took her until the end of the series to discover that.

Of course when she finishes Kate turns on her and instead of letting her be Vampira she gets to be a clown and make balloon animals.

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So unfair!

Matt is creating his costume, which is him inside out. He is trying to use all kinds of leftover food to make him look gross.

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Back at the school Miranda’s parents come and drop of the Day of the Dead stuff.

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As soon as they are gone, Kate is her rude self again and forces Miranda to move the stuff far, far away. She is being rude rejecting the ancestors like that.

That night is the party, and Lizzie is having an awful time being the clown. She can’t create any balloon animals and ends up handing out “snakes” all night.

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Lizzie is really mad at Kate messing with her like that and complaining to Miranda and Gordo when Matt walks over eating a tamale. He stole it from the day of the Dead decorations.

Miranda: You ate the food offering of the Day of the Dead? You stole the sacred meal of my dead ancestors?
Matt: It had cheese on it.

Now Matt has unleashed the spirits and they will seek their revenge. Part of which is turning his lemonade black and moldy.

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Then Lizzie looks over at the skeletons





Then Matt sees a giant bride and groom skeleton exit the caf. Oh no!

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Next thing you know Matt’s been turned into dirt

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Gordo into a bobble head

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And Lizzie into a Zombie Clown

How terrifying!

How terrifying!

How Will it End? You have to find out for yourself 😀


Hey everyone, this is Moreland from the future! It’s October 2019 and this year I dressed up Jane Austen as a Dia de los Muertos Calavera. As it fits perfectly with this post, I’m adding it in.