Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride


Day 17) Your Least Favorite Disney Classic

Mr. Toad

The Adventures of Mr. Toad

Now this film actually a double feature as it was paired with Sleepy Hollow. Now I remember liking it as a kid, but when I re-watched it like six years ago, I hated it. It was sooooo boring.

It is based on the book, A Wind in the Willows, of which I also remember loving as a kid, but I just can’t handle anymore as Toad is a horrible, stupid, brat.  So this is my least fav.

I do really love the ride though. I loved it as a kid and still do as I had to ride it when I was in Disneyland over Spring Break.

For more on Disney, go to That Darn Cat

For more films based on books, go to A Hidden Wonder