Emma Audiobook Narrated by Nadia May

Emma Audiobook Narrated by Nadia May

As you know I have been going through all the Jane Austen audiobooks available on Libby. 

The next one on my to-read list was this version of Emma so I decided to give it a listen.

I throughly enjoyed this narrations as May was able to give it the right inflection, drama, comedy, etc. I like how she made Mr. Elton’s voice, he sounded like the social climber he is.

Let me just squeeze in between you two.

A great listen and one I recommend checking out.

For more audiobooks, go to Persuasion Audiobook Narrated by Nadia May

For more on Emma, go to The Intrigue at Highbury (Or, Emma’s Match)

Persuasion Audiobook Narrated by Nadia May

Persuasion Audiobook Narrated by Nadia May

As you know I have been going through all the Jane Austen audiobooks available on Libby. 

This is the next one that came up as available so I decided to give it a listen. 

I felt this one wasn’t as well read as the other audiobooks. I felt May didn’t quite capture the tone of the narration. In fact, the narration was kind of dry and when listening to it I kind of spaced out.


When reading for the characters May was fine, but when it came down to narration she was dry and boring.

Not one that I would recommend.

For more audiobooks, go to The Other Bennet Sister Audiobook Narrated by Carla Mendonça

For more Persuasion, go to Jane Austen Children’s Stories: Persuasion