A Deliciously Creepy Tale: Butterfinger the 13th (2011)

You can’t scream with your mouth full!

So last year I had an article pop up on my facebook newsfeed. This article talked about how Rob Lowe was creating a mini movie/webisode/webovie thing that was a parody of Friday the 13thand was supported and revolving around butterfingers. I saw the trailer and thought it looked interesting. However, I was not prepared for how awesome it was!

throw confetti HIMYM

It had some silly funny moments as it had all the classic components of Friday the 13th, along with the structure of “standard” horror films. It also had cheesy moments, but then some truly creepy parts. It also made me want to eat butterfingers, which I had none of.   😦

To be honest, I never should have doubted Rob Lowe. Not only is he an incredibly good looking and a talented actor, we can also add fantastic director to his resume. (I love Rob Lowe! The Outsiders sealed the deal for me)

Anyways, you should definetly check it out, it is one great story! Just don’t forget to have a butterfinger handy.

Oooooo! We have made it all the way to 13th posts! One has been posted everyday! Yay! Only 18 more to go! Happy Halloween everyone, I hope you have been enjoying this countdown as much as I have.

halloween banner

To start Horrorfest from the beginning, go to I Don’t Belong in the World

To read the previous post, go to Camp Blood

For more horror parodies, go to Grimwood Ghoul’s Gym