I Think I Have Found a Means of Conveyance…An Elephant: Around the World in 80 Days

Day 5) E is for Elephant: Choose a book with a Elephant on the cover


Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne

So I choose Around the World in 80 Days as my “elephant” choice. You may feel as if this has barely any elephant, but I just choose this book cover because I really liked it. This is the cover my copy has.

This book was one of my favorites as a kid and my gateway drug into Jules Verne. I used to read The Great Illustrated Classic version of this again and again until I read the real version.

Or 10th, 50th, 100th....

Or 10th, 50th, 100th….

This idea of traveling the globe in a relatively short amount of time was very new and modern. It only came about because of three technological breakthroughs: the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad in America (1869), the linking of the Indian railways across the sub-continent (1870), and the opening of the Suez Canal (1869). This marked the end of the age of exploration as global tourism became the new age. The world had grown much smaller.


In fact after this book was published it inspired quite a few people to try this journey around the world themselves.

  • In 1889, newspaperwoman Nellie Bly undertook to travel around the world in 80 days. She managed to do the journey within 72 days, meeting Verne in Amiens. Her book Around the World in Seventy-Two Days, became a best seller.
  • In 1903, James Willis Sayre, a Seattle theatre critic and arts promoter, set the world record for circling the earth using public transport, 54 days, 9 hours, and 42 minutes.
  • In 1908, Harry Bensley, on a wager, set out to circumnavigate the world on foot wearing an iron mask. The journey was abandoned, incomplete, at the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
  • In 1984, Nicholas Coleridge emulated Fogg’s trip, taking 78 days. He wrote a book entitled Around the World in 78 Days.
  • In 1988, Monty Python alumnus Michael Palin took a similar challenge without using aircraft as a part of a television travelogue, called Michael Palin: Around the World in 80 Days. He completed the journey in 79 days and 7 hours.
  • Since 1993, the Jules Verne Trophy is given to the boat that sails around the world without stopping and with no outside assistance, in the shortest time.
  • In 2009, twelve celebrities performed a relay version of the journey for the BBC Children In Need charity appeal.

In fact it is one of my dreams to recreate the trip in the book.

childreadingabkkid impression identity a part of us You've got mail meg ryan


So Phileas Fogg is a wealthy Londoner who keeps to himself most of the time. There is not a lot known about him or his private life other than he is focused, exact, and methodical.

“Phileas Fogg was, indeed exactitude personified…He was so exact he was never in a hurry, was always ready, and economical alike of his steps and his motions. He never took one step too many, and always went to his destination by the shortest cut; he made no superfluous gestures, and was never seen to be moved or agitated.” pg. 6.

He also is very good-looking.

“He appeared to be a man about forty years of age, with fine, handsome features, and a tall, well-shaped figure. His hair and whiskers were light, his forehead compact and unwrinkled, his face rather pale and his teeth magnificent.” pg. 6

see cute guy look

The book begins with a young french man, Passepartout, coming into the service of Fogg. He left his last employer as when he tried to talk to him about his drinking as he was rudely treated.


In fact Fogg is described as in many ways being like a machine, so down to the minute he is.

“Everything was regulated and foreseen that was to be done from half-past eleven AM till midnight, the hour at which the methodical gentleman retired.” pg. 8

That evening Phileas is at his men’s club when they are discussing a bank robbery that has recently occurred. The men began discussing where the thief could flee to, some saying the world is too small while others too big. Phileas says that the world has become small and that one could travel the world in 80 days.

From London to Suez via Mont Cenis and Brindisi, by rail and steamboats……………7 days

From Suez to Bombay, by steamer……………………………………………………………………..13 days

From Bombay to Calcutta, by rail………………………………………………………………………..3 days

From Calcutta to Hong Kong, by steamer……………………………………………………………13 days

From Hong Kong to Yokohama (Japan), by steamer……………………………………………..6 days

From Yokohama to San Francisco by steamer…………………………………………………….22 days

From San Francisco to New York, by rail……………………………………………………………..7 days

From New York to London, by steamer & rail……………………………………………………….9 days

The men talk about with one exclaiming that Phileas is crazy, unforeseen circumstances would toss things out of whack. Phileas insists that he  could do it in 80 days and bets £20,000 (that would be £2,040,000.00 or $4,080,000.00 today.)

Mal_huh Whoa Wow what

The bet is on, with Phileas planning on being back by December 21st, at 8:45 pm.


Phileas immediately sets off on the trip; packing what is needed and planning on purchasing whatever else he needs along the way. The only one coming with him is his new valet, Passepartout.

As soon as he departs his bet is thrown all over the newspapers. People betting on whether or not he will make it back in time.


Unfortunately for Fogg, his mysterious “foggy” history causes him to become suspect number one as to the bank robbers.

Not good

Not good

Detective Fix is set out after him, to bring him back as soon as possible. This will not work well for Fogg as even the slightest delay will cause serious misfortune.

Fix manages to luck into finding Fogg when Passepartout asks him for aid to see the consulate. Like today how they aren’t always required to stamp your passport in certain ports; Fogg of course is insisting as he needs proof he travelled to those destinations.

Left London, Wednesday, October 2nd, at 8:45 pm

Reached Paris, Thursday, October 3rd, at 7:20 am

Left Paris, Thursday, at 8:40 am

Reached Turin by Mont Cenis, Friday October 4th, at 6:35 am

Left Turin, Friday, at 7:20 am

Arrived at Brindisi, Saturday October 5th, at 4 pm

Sailed on the Mongolia, Saturday, at 5 pm

Reached Suez, Wednesday, October 9th, at 11 am

Total of hours spent, 158 1/2; or in days, six days and a half.

As Phileas only cares about the bet, he never takes the time to look at the places he is passing through, instead staying in his room.


So Fix is trying to get more information as to whether or not Phileas is the robber. He cozies up to Passepartout, asking him lots of questions about Phileas. But with every answer, he becomes more satisfied that it must be him.


Fix also makes a key observation, Passepartout has forgotten to reset his watch to the time of the place they are in, instead having it still in London time.

As Fix is out to get his man, he too is caught up in this race around the world.

When they reach Bombay, Passepartout is set with the charge to purchase new shirts and such for the two of them. Unfortunately, Passepartout doesn’t always pay as close attention to where he is going, distracted by the architecture, and trips, stepping on a sacred floor without removing his shoes.

clueless mybad oops

Now why is that a problem? Well in the Hindu religion it is a requirement to do so. These priests actually end up beating Passepartout.

When Passepartout tells Phileas what happened, as he lost his purchases, Fix overhears them and comes up with the perfect “fix” to get his man.

Yes you may have noticed that I have made two puns about the names of the characters.

Couldn't resist

Couldn’t resist

Yes, one thing I like about Verne, is that his names always mean something. It can be something that obscures the situation, is a puzzle, or causes confusion. This works great for Phileas’ character as not much is known about him, he is too obscure or a puzzle. And in an essence he lives in a “fog”, not connecting with others but keeping to himself, his books, and his routine.

With Detective Fix, he is trying to remedy or fix the situation in catching the bank robbers and returning the money. He also creates a “fix” for Fogg as his constant interference causes issues for the adventurer. In fact you could even say he is trying to “fix” the situation, as he wants to bring Phileas back to London, ensuring that he loses the bet. Fascinating, huh.



So as Fogg and Passepartout continue on their way they meet Sir Francis, returning to his corps. He too finds Fogg odd as he has never met anyone so efficient or a “product of exact sciences”. He warns Fogg that their might be trouble with Passepartout having broken the law. It was an incredible offense.

Not good

Not good

As they are continuing through India on the train, it suddenly stops in Kholby, It turns out that the railroad is unfinished and they will have to find their own way to Allahabad. Sir Francis is in a lather, but Fogg calms him down and convinces him that he has extra days. Sir Francis joins their group as he sets out to find transportation for them and plans to continue on with them.


He finds, of course the reason why this book fills the E category, an elephant. There is only one problem, elephants are expensive and becoming scarce in India. Fogg needs it to when and offers £20 to rent it, £40, £1200, £1500, and ends on £2000 to buy it (That would be £204,000.00 or $408,000.00 today)

ouch Hermione

They then hire a guide and head out.

Everything goes smoothly until the elephant starts getting agitated. The guide investigates and sees a procession of Brahmins, or priests, coming towards them. He warns them to hide. They observe the group and see a beautiful women being lead behind the corpse of her husband, a prince.

They are doing a Suttee ritual, where the widow is burned alive as she has no other option in her life. She would have no food, her hair shaved off, treated poorly and considered unclean. Most of the time it was voluntary, as there was no other way, although a few would be killed unwillingly. Such as in this case. The guide reveals that this women did not wish to be sacrificed, so they drugged her with hemp and opium. They are taking her to the Pagoda of Pillaji where the ceremony will take place at dawn.

Not good

Not good

Now here we see one of the most interesting parts of the book:

“Mr. Fogg stopped him[the guide], and, turning to Sir Francis Cromarty, said, ‘Suppose we save this woman.’

‘Save the woman, Mr. Fogg!’

‘I have yet twelve hours to spare; I can devote them to that.”

keanu Whoa

This is so interesting because the whole book we are told Fogg is friendless because he is so exact, he is never emotionless, he is a clock, a machine; not human at all.


But here we see him willing to take time out  of his bet and put his life on the line for this girl. I mean he has been forgoing everything to see in the countries he is passing through, the only thing he has his mind on is time how much spent and how much left; but here he sees this women and hears her story and it all goes out the window. Everything, for her.

How romantic

How romantic

So while it is honorable of Fogg to do this, his idea will not be easy. If they fail, they will have horrible tortures awaiting them. They decide to continue their plan, waiting until night to strike. While they are waiting, the guide tells them about the woman, Aouda. She was the daughter of a wealthy Bombay merchant and received an English education. When she was orphaned, she was married against her will to the old rajah Bundelcund. She escaped, but was retaken and forced by the Rajah’s relatives to complete the ceremony.

StarTrekBonesMcCoyPoorGirl PM

Then we have a thrilling and suspenseful part of them trying to free her. They creep, watch, and are barely able to save her; taking off as they are being chased by the guards.

Run Away

As they board the train, Fogg pays the guide, but also gifts him the elephant for his service and loyalty in saving Aouda. He offers Aouda passage to Hong Kong as India will never be safe for her again.

When they reach Calcutta it is the 25th of October as he surmised. He has lost his two extra days, but does not regret it.

Truth be told I don't

They are to head over to the steamer for Hong Kong when a policeman arrests the men. Passepartout is ashamed and afraid, as it is his fault and he would hate for his master to lose his bet. Fogg has no fear as he is certain that they will be able to board the ship at noon.

Three Indian priests come in with a charge, and Fogg defends his decision to save Aouda. Unfortunately these are not those priests in the forest. Nope, they are the priests from the temple that Passepartout forgot to remove his shoes. Yes Fix has been “fixing” things so that they can’t go further.

What jerks

What jerks

The judge decrees Passepartout imprisonment for fifteen days and a fine of £300 (£30,600.00 or $61,200.00 today)

And as Passepartout is Fogg manservant, he gets a week imprisonment sand has to pay £50 pounds.


Fogg is a quick thinker and pays bail, £2000.00 for the both of them (£204000.00 today). And they scurry off to the steamer to continue their journey.

Fix is now in a “fix” as the only way that he can get a reward for bringing the robber in is if the robber still has the money. As Fogg has been spending so much (£5000 [£510000.00 today]) already, he is even more determined to stop him. Poor Fogg.

Not good

Not good

This is another thing I really like about this book. On one hand there is this grand adventure and race against time as Fogg strives to do what was then considered impossible. With Fix trying to stop him there is such intensity of suspense as you are afraid and unsure they will be able to complete it in time.

Suspense have to know

Every time I read my heart starts pumping as I become anxious for Fogg. Even though I’ve read it before, it gets me every, single time.


Now Fix decides that in order to catch Fogg, the best thing to do would be befriending Passepartout, who he believes to be dimwitted. Passepartout, unknowingly to Fix, is starting to become suspicious of Fix. His “just happening” to follow them on the same route, being everywhere at the same time is just too coincidental.



Of course he would never dream that Fogg is believed to be a robber and instead thinks Fix is is an agent of the reform club, sent to stop Fogg from completing the bet.

At least not yet

As they cross the boat is hampered by a large storm. They reach Hong Kong twenty hours behind the time needed; and this will make him miss the next boat. But surprisingly Fogg does not blow up or become livid. Instead he is as calm as the fog, amazing those around him.

Of course, Fix sees this as the best thing that could happen, giving him an advantage and chance to arrest him once again.

When they reach Hong Kong, they search for a ship to go out and discover that the Carnatic was being repaired and will be leaving the next day, suiting them perfectly.  They use the next sixteen hours before launch to help settle Aouda. As the search for her relatives, they discover that her relative, Jejeeh has left China two years ago for Holland. Fogg invites Aouda to continue with them, turning this merry band into a trio.


Fix decides to approach Passepartout, takes him drinking, and lays everything on the table. He tells him about the robber and the £52,000 stolen. He offers Passepartout £500 to help him keep Fogg there a few days until the warrant for his arrest arrives. Passepartout will hear nothing of it, defending his master and cursing the reform club for sending this agent.  Passepartout continues to say no, when Fix gives him more and more wine and opium until he passes out.

clueless mybad oops

While that was occurring, Fogg was taking Aouda shopping to have her outfitted for the journey. He noticed that Passepartout was still out, but did not worry as he should be back in the morning, The next day when there was no sign of him, Fogg began to worry. Fix approaches the two and infiltrates their group, telling them the boat has launched already 12 hours ago and there will be no other setting off for a week.

clueless mybad oops

But Fogg has not given up. He searches the dock until he finds a ship that will take him to his next destination. No one can, but one will take him to where the boat stops in Japan, allowing him to pick it up and head for San Francisco.

Once again we see an interesting development in this man. Instead of his usual contemplation of numbers, how much time is left and dividing it in the miles and dates needed to complete the bet, he is thinking of his valet Passepartout. Where is he? Is he on the ship? Or could he be somewhere else? It appears that Fogg is a robot after all. He has a heart and care for those around him.


After Fix left Passepartout, two waiters carried him to the designated place for patrons to “sleep it off”. When he awoke three hours later he was in such fits for time and made straight way for the boat, collapsing on it. The stewards took him to his room where he slept and did not wake until they were far from China. There he discovers himself without his master and a loss as what to do next as he has no money or plan.

I don't know what to do

When he reaches Japan he searches for food and a way to make money. He sells his clothes to make a little money, swapping for more Japanese ones. He then joins a acrobatic troupe, as he has experience in such things in his past before becoming a valet. The group is leaving for the United Stares. While he is performing, who should he see in the crowd but his master and Aouda? He quickly joins them and they head out for the next steamer to America.

Double double yay

Their boat had dropped them off in Japan and they searched for Passepartout, discovering that he had taken the boat and was somewhere in the city. They had been searching everywhere, when they decided to stop at the theater and of course came across Passepartout! Such luck!

Aouda shares about their companion Fix, of which Passepartout says nothing yet. But he plans his revenge on the man for the next time they meet.


Fix on the other hand is very disheartened. He was planning on arresting Fogg, but he is no longer on English soil and cannot be taken by the English warrant. Instead he would need to have extradition papers. He knows this will be hard to do, and instead decides to just follow them and arrest them the minute their feet touch English soil.

Game of thrones jon Snow kit harrington I know how

Passepartout comes across Fix and settles to “fix” him, but Fix convinces him that he is no longer a threat as he wants him to reach England now and will do all he can to ensure it.

When they reach San Francisco, Aouda and Fogg go so that Fogg can get his passport stamped. Passepartout has been listening to stories about the West and asks if he can purchase guns for their protection as there is the possibility that the Native Americans will attack the railroad.

They all end up in the middle of a scuffle with a Colonel Stamp Proctor attacking Fogg, who is saved by Fix. They then have to go purchase new clothing as theirs are ragged from the fight, that they had no clue why it was even started.

I don't know what to do

They go through California and Nevada pretty quickly, but it is as they are heading into Utah that they are stopped by the buffalo and have to wait until the rail is cleared. And I have personal experiences with such things, the buffalo move real slow when they want to and it can take a loooooong time. For them it took three hours.


While on the train, Passepartout comes acorss a notice of a lecture by the Mormon Elder William Hitch, and he decides to attend as he knows very little about Mormonism. Passepartout does not become a fan of the religion as he thinks it is horrible for one man to have to take care of so many wives. Oh, Passepartout.

Oh well.

Oh well.

They end up having to wait again as snow slows the train. And unfortunately they discover that Col. Proctor is on the same train.  Fix, Passepartout, and Aouda are all afraid of what might happen if the two meet as all want him to reach his goal. They decide to band together and try and keep him in the room, so that no trouble is started.


They distract him with whist, but then face another problem. The only way to go forward is to cross a bridge, but it is too unsafe. However that can-do American spirit brings the engineer to decide they can make it if they go full speed.

Passepartout is afraid but as they all mock him he aggrees to continue. They manage to just cross in time, barely getting over before the bridge breaks to smithereens.

keanu Whoa

They run into Colonel Proctor who insults Fogg a second time. Fogg doesn’t want to take the time out to fight as he is on a schedule, but Proctor insists now or never. They are just about to duel when the Sioux attack.


Yes never a dull moment here. Now all those others who go around the word for real in 80 days or less, no matter what they do I’m sure they never had as action packed a journey as this one. This is another thing I love about Verne, you never know what will happen next. Just fantastitic.

This is great

This is great

So as the Sioux attack, they switch from fighting each other to their attackers.They all have to fight, Aouda being an excellent markswoman.


You know that is another thing about Verne. Look at Aouda she is an amazing character that no one ever talks about. Highly educated, wanting to be in control of her own life, a world traveler, brave, an excellent markswoman, willing to protect those she loves, and Indian.  Pretty fascinating.



Most of the passengers are injured, ranging from slight cuts to serious wounds. Three are missing, one being Passepartout. Even though this will put him far behind, Fogg decides it is more important to find Passepartout and free him. He leaves Aouda and Fix at the nearest Fort, and is determined to set out after Passepartout. Fogg pays some men to go with him and sets out.


Meanwhile Fix finds himself worrying about Fogg escaping, wondering why he agreed to stay behind with Aouda. The engineer is repairing the train and they are determined to set off. Aouda  won’t leave without Fogg and refuses to continue on.

They wait in the fort while the captain comptemplates sending men after Fogg or just waiting as it is most likely Fogg is dead.

Not good

Not good

The next morning Fogg returns with the passangers and Passepartout.

Poor Passepartout, he just creates so many problems for his master without meaning to. Leaving the gas on in his room before they left, getting them arrested and having to pay bail, destroying the circus and causing him to pay there, getting drunk and causing worry as he left them behind, and now being captured by the Sioux. It is like he attracts trouble.

trouble Twilight Zone

Fix proposes a new idea to Fogg. Instead of waiting until night to catch the next train, what of they went on a sledge with sails? They decide to do it. Fogg wants to leave Aouda and Passepartout behind, as he doesn’t want Aouda to travel in such a crude way and Passepartout to be there to protect her. Aouda won’t  have any of it as she wants to travel with him.

They go on the sledge and manage to reach their destination in time to pick up a train to New York City.


But when they reach New York they discover that the boat left 45 mins early.


There is nothing else left. The game is up and they lost as they could never make it in time on any other boat. It is the end.


Passepartout feels horrible as he blames himself for the misfortune.

clueless mybad oops

But just as all grows dark, Fogg spies a ship that looked like it was setting out. He tries to convince the captain, and owner, to get him across but he won’t do it. Even when he offers to purchase it, nope. Only when he offers to pay $8000 ($160,000.00 today).

When the Captain wont take him to Liverpool where needs to go, he bribes the crew, locks up the captain, and takes complete control of the boat.

He did buy it.

He did buy it.

They run into a storm, and as Fogg will not give up he starts using pieces of it as fuel.

They manage to reach Queenstown and it looks like the completion of the bet is in their grasp. They can make it to London in time to spare. As they head out, Fix asks Fogg if he is Phileas Fogg, when he answers yes, Fix arrests him.


Ugh Fix!!! Why couldn’t you let him win his bet! After all you’ve been through!


Fogg sits in jail for two hours, and is finally released by an ashamed Fix who has discovered that the real bank robber has been arrested.

clueless mybad oops

He boards a train but it is too late. They are five mins behind. Fogg has lost everything!


Fogg is completely distressed. He takes Aouda to his home and prepares his affairs. Passepartout is completely downhearted and blames himself; but Fogg doesn’t.

Fogg stays home all day and that night speaks with Aouda.

“Madam,’ said he [Phileas Fogg], ‘will you pardon me for bringing you to England?’

‘I, Mr. Fogg!’ replied Aouda, checking the pulsations of her heart.

‘Please let me finish,’ returned Mr. Fogg. ‘When I decided to bring you far away from the country which was so unsafe for you, I was rich, and counted on putting a position of my fortune at your disposal; then your existence would have been free and happy. But now I am ruined.” (pg. 201)

Aw how sad. Then this next part is really cool. Aouda is trying to console him; friends and relatives will aid him; but alas Fogg says he has none.

“Mr. Fogg,’ said Aouda, rising and seizing his hand, ‘do you wish at once a kinswoman and friend? Will you have me for your wife?’

Mr. Fogg at this rose in turn. There was an unwonted light in his eyes, and a slight trembling of his lips…’I love you!’ he said simply. ‘Yes, by all that is holiest, I love you, and I am entirely yours!” (pg. 202)

How sweet!

How sweet!

You know, for a novel in 1873 there are some things in here you wouldn’t see in most books. Interracial marriage, Aouda proposing instead of Fogg. Tell me, why don’t people speak of this book more. It is amazing in its plot, the characters, the way he ties everything together. I just love it.

I love it

So anyways, they decide to marry tomorrow and Passepartout takes off t speak to a Reverend.

Time for a wedding!

Time for a wedding!

After the real robber was captured, all the people turned themselves back to betting on Fogg and whether or not he would make it back in time. Everyone was trying to find him to see where he was at but none could reach him

As it is the day, all those involved in the bet meet up at the club and wait for Fogg. As they reach three minutes to nine the men are feeling completely secure in that he will not be back in time, but who should walk in the door, but Fogg!


What? How did he do it How could he win the bet when we know he arrived too late because he was placed in jail?

Well, after Aouda and Fogg were engaged, Passepartout left to secure a Reverend. He returns completely nonsensical and tells them they cannot be married the next day. Fogg demands to know why and Passepartout tells him because tomorrow is Sunday.

What! Mark Wahlberg that's weird

It turns out that the last storm actually made them arrive one day early. They went around the world in 79 days.



Fogg determines that he spent £19000 on the trip and decides the profit of £1000 will be divided between Passepartout and Fix. Fogg asks Aouda if she still wants to marry him now that he is rich, of which she says it is up to him. Will he not want her now? Fogg wants her as his wife whether rich or poor.


I love the way Verne ends his book:

“What had he [Philieas Fogg] really gained by all this trouble? What had he brought back from this long and weary journey?

Nothing you say? Perhaps so; nothing but a charming woman, who, strange as it may appear, made him the happiest of men!

Truly, would you not for less than that make the tour around the world?” (pg. 210)

How sweet!

How sweet!

Yes, I just love that book. It is so amazingly good and well written. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys a good story and plot. You should definitely check it out.





To start the 30 Day Challenge from the beginning, go to It Was a Pleasure to Burn: Fahrenheit 451

For the previous post, go to I Found this Blank Book of Stitched Together Pages…I’ll Record the Details of Our Confinement: Book of a Thousand Days


For more Jules Verne, go to Heaven on Earth

For more interracial romance, go to The Right Path is Not the Easiest One

For more races, go to I Want to Be Your Ideal Man: Grease (1978)

For more on Lemony Snicket, go to Fan-do or Fan-don’t. There is No Fan-try


Today’s Christmas Carol is a favorite of mine, We Three Kings of Orient. This carol was written in 1857 by John Henry Hopkins, Jr. I really love the refrain as I find it to be so beautiful. Star of wonder star of light; I love singing that.

I couldn’t find the version I really like, so I settled on the one by Hugh Jackman, David Hobson and Peter Cousen.


For more Christmas Carols, go to Harvest Pumpkin Scones

For more Hugh Jackman, go to 25 More Films of Christmas

30 Day Challenge: Literature Loves


Yes it is that time of the year, our new tradition of a 30 Day Challenge. As I am a book lover and just can’t get enough books, I decided this year we will cover that love.


As any book lover knows, it is difficult to choose a favorite book.


So this will either fit the category of the book challenge, or will be a book I love. I’m hoping to meld both, but I know that won’t happen for every one of them.  I also ran into a few issues finding 30, so I had to get a tad creative.


I am also going to skip the Jane Austen novels as I always talk about them on this blog. I’m going to try and do books I haven’t mentioned already, but no promises on that.

I can't help it.

I can’t help it.

Now every time I try to do something in December, it tends to fail. I just get toooo busy.


But this year I am really going to try.


So here we go!

30 Day Challenge:

Day 1) A is for Apocalyptical: Choose a book with an Apocalyptic theme

Day 2) B is for Best: Choose a Best-Selling novel

Day 3) C is for Childhood: Choose a book you used to read over and over again when you were a Child.

Day 4) D is for Diary: Choose a novel or memoir in Diary form

Day 5) E is for Elephant: Choose a book with a Elephant on the cover

Day 6) F is for Free: Choose a book you got for Free

Day 7) G is for Ghost: Choose a Ghost story

Day 8) H is for Happily Ever After: Choose a novel that is a retelling of a fairy tale

Day 9) I is for Island: Choose a book that takes place on an Island

Day 10) J is for Jane Austen: Choose a book based on, a sequel to, or a retelling of one of Jane Austen’s works

Day 11) K is for Killer: Choose a book with a murderer

Day 12) L is for List: Choose a book from your to-read List

Day 13) M is for Merry Christmas: Since this 30 Day Challenge is being done in December, let’s pick a favorite book that captures the merry Christmas spirit.

Day 14) N is for Name: Choose a book with a character that shares your first or last Name

Day 15) O is for Ocean: Choose a book that takes place on or in the Ocean

Day 16) P is for Politics: Choose a book that is Political

Day 17) Q is for Quest: Choose a book in which the characters go on a Quest

Day 18) R is for Remake: Choose a book that is a Retelling of a classic

Day 19) S is for Short Stories: Choose a collection of Short Stories

Day 20) T is for Translated: Choose a book that was Translated from one language to English

Day 21): U is for Unhappy: Choose a book with an Unhappy ending

Day 22) V is for Vanished: Choose a book with a missing person

Day 23) W is for Weather: Choose a book where the Weather plays a major role

Day 24) X is for X: Choose a book whose author has an X in their name

Day 25) Y is for Young: Choose a junior or Young adult book

Day 26) Z is for Zombie: Choose a Zombie retelling of a classic novel

Day 27) One, Two, Buckle My Shoe: Shoes symbolize wealth. Choose a novel that involves wealth or fashion

Day 28) Three, Four, Shut the Door: Doors symbolize new beginnings. Choose a novel where a character has to start over

Day 29) Five, Six, Pick Up Sticks: Sticks symbolize power, strength, or judicial decisions. Choose a book that revolves around a powerful ruler or ruling.

Day 30) Seven, Eight, Lay Them Straight: Straight means upright. Choose a book with a moral or strong moral character

Additional one to keep the Symmetry

Day 31) Nine, TenA Big Fat Hen: Hens symbolize motherhood. Choose a book that revolves around a family or strong motherly character.

Have Card will Travel



For more 30 Day challenges check out 30 Day Challenge: All About Me! and 30 Day Challenge: Disney Edition

For more book loving posts, go to Sadly I’m a Stalker

Pink Elephants


14) Your Least Favorite Disney Song

I hate the song Pink Elephants on Parade from Dumbo. This song is horrible and freaked me out as kid. It actually continues to do so. This song is just wrong on so many levels. Aw! Look at his face. :(

Everytime I see it I’m like why was this made? I mean a drunk elephant? Really disney? Really?


I can’t watch it, think about it, or talk about it. Its horrible and horrfying!

Die, die, die!

Die, die, die!

“Seeing pink elephants” term means a hallucination, caused by alcohol. Jack London is the first to have used the term in his autobiographical book John Barleycorn, as “the man whom we all know, stupid, unimaginative, whose brain is bitten numbly by numb maggots; who walks generously with wide-spread, tentative legs, falls frequently in the gutter, and who sees, in the extremity of his ecstasy, blue mice and pink elephants.”

Here’s the vid if you want to see it. Watch at your own risk.

For more on Dumbo, go to Episode VI: Return of the Movie Lines List

For more on Disney animals, go to the Cat’s Meow

For more of my favorite songs, go to There’s No One Like Gaston

For more on Disney, go to If I Never Knew You

halloween banner

In other news, yesterday was


Yep, I stuck to my usual tradition, calling in a pizza

Pizza Delivery Sabrina the teenage witch

When I put in my special instructions, I asked for the guy to talk in a Transylvanian accent. I mean come on, it’s Friday the 13th!

Then I put on my Ghostbuster T-shirt, as there was no way I could spend Friday the 13th not wearing that. I mean seriously.

So I was sitting down and waiting for my pizza using the Heavy Metal one as its the best


But it didn’t work. It said prep the whole time.

Anyways, so when the guy got there he didn’t want to do the accent, which made me sad as I really wanted it! It’s Friday the 13th! Keegan would have done it (that was the delivery guy I had last time). I play-threatened to not tip him, but got what I wanted in the end. 🙂

Since it was a full moon, I decided the films I would watch would be werewolf theme. I started off with


as I have had it referenced in so many books and movies, but it sucked. Really, really bad. Come back in October and read my review.

Then I watched:

the wolf man

Which was amazing! I LOVE this movie so much. (A review of it will also be out this October)

All in all it was a pretty good Friday the 13th. 🙂

halloween banner

For more on The Wolf Man (1941), go to My Favorite Movie Lines

For more on Classic Horror Films, go to Eternal Punishment for Anyone Who Opens this Casket

For more on Friday the 13th, go to That Video…is Not of This World

For more on Horror films, go to I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me

For more on Heavy Metal, go to Unbound (The Wild Ride)

For more on Pizza, go to Would You Like a Pizza My Heart?