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30) Your Opinion About Your Body and How Comfortable You Are With It

Let me just say that I don’t love everything about me.

anthony-michael-hall-brian-insecure-quotes-the breakfast club see myself don't like what i see insecure body image

I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it either. So let’s go down the list.




Upside: My hair is a pretty shade of brown, a golden brown. It also is thick and grows fast

Downside: When I want it to dry it takes FOREVER. When I want it to be wet it dries instantly. It is normally straight, but there is a section that wants to just curl the opposite way. And a pinch of moisture in the air? Instant frizz. I have bangs and there is one section that will not lie flat no matter what, it always is sticking out. And any curl or wave added? Lasts about an hour then gone. My hair pretty much does whatever it wants to.

hair no control

For more on my hair, go to That Girl is Poison



Pros: I have beautiful green eyes that sometimes change to blue; you know the type of eyes everyone dreams off. Plus thanks to my Mexican heritage they are slightly almond-shaped.

Cons: I have to wear glasses, all the time. My eyes are pretty weak and I have to wear a high strength. I wish I had perfect eyesight, it would be pretty amazing to wake up and be able to see everything instead of blobby shapes.

I don’t mind the glasses that much, it just makes things a little more difficult like cooking, swimming, sports, costumes, etc.


For more on glasses, go to You Look Beautiful Just the Way You Are: How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)




Chief Brody (Good): I have a cute little chin

Bruce the Shark (Bad): I have a small chin and small jaw. This meant I needed braces twice to fix all my teeth how they needed to be, and make sure none fell behind the others, along with making it hard to take big bites out of anything.




I’m Mexican, Danish, and Italian. Unlike my other siblings, I only inherited the Danish genes and therefore have pale skin that does not tan, but burns or remains light. Needless to say the sun and I don’t do very well together.

the sun

If it’s not making me sweat overtime, then it is knocking my out as barely anytime spent outdoors in it makes me extremely fatigued.




I’m only 5’3. Besides from being the same height as Poison Ivy, there isn’t that many positives. People think you are younger, it is hard to find clothes that fit right, you are always being knocked into or passed over. Not to mention trying to see concerts or other things. It’s hard out there for us small ones.

short people

For more on being short go to Ya Bothering Me


Body Size

body issues

My body size has never been exactly what I want. In my ratio of boobs to butt, my boobs are much smaller, making it hard to find dresses that fit right. I have abnormally large knees, causing difficulties when buying pants. I have a large but, but little hips. My torso or legs are not as long as I would like them to be. My stomach not as flat as I would wish. And I have an ugly belly button, because it was burned close as a baby.

anthony-michael-hall-brian-insecure-quotes-the breakfast club see myself don't like what i see insecure body image

In fact this displeasure caused me to become an anorexic back when I was 17. I’m better now, but I’ve had a few resurrections of the disease. And while I’m not 100% pleased with what I have, I no longer hate my body like I did as a teenager. Instead I’m just blessed to be alive.



how you look

It’s so easy to see what we see in the mirror everyday and hate on it, but never forget that with all your flaws you are beautiful.


So be yourself.



That concludes this 30 Day Challenge. I’m actually glad to see it over, writing about myself was nowhere near as awesome as writing about Disney, or reviewing horror films. It was a nice change, but if I was to do a 30 Day Challenge next year, I’m thinking books or movies.

Pretty much

I hope you all enjoyed it. If you missed out on a day, be sure to pop over to 30 Day Challenge: All About Me for the full month’s listings. Or you can go to Musical Madness to start the 30 Day Challenge from the beginning.

Comment below if there was anything about myself that I didn’t write about that you’d love to know and I will post on it!

Small and Proud

Big brain small boobs

I have little boobs. I’m a small person, in every direction, but you know what. I am okay with that.


But I hate how it seems as if it is near impossible to buy a non-push up bra these days. I know I have little boobs and I’m proud. With me what you see is what you get. Aren’t there others out there proud and wanting to show their real side? Why can’t we accept reality instead of trying to make women some unporportionate fantasy?


If you are a small girl, be proud! Little boobs rock!


You don’t need pads, push-ups, or any extras to be beautiful. You already are, my small boobed sisters!



For more musings of me, go to A Spot of Trouble

For more on beauty, go to Heart and Soul

For more Last Kiss Comics, go to Only a Woman: Queen of Outer Space (1958)