Who’s Afraid of Cory Wolf: Boy Meets World (1994)


Eric, what you’re about to see may shock you.

This is an awesome Halloween episode as it parodies The Wolf Man (1941). 

It’s dark and stormy Halloween night and Cory sits at his desk writing a letter. Shawn comes in and asks him what he is doing. That’s when Cory announces he is a werewolf!


Shawn doesn’t believe him, and Cory does a flashback to tell him what happened and what brought him to this conclusion.

halloween banner

So the day before, October 30th, Cory was going outside to throw away his trash, when he notices that Mr. Feeny is putting his trash inside the house. Cory thinks that is strange and asks him why he’s doing that. Mr. Feeny tells him how a wolf has escaped from the Zoo, and he is prowling around the area. Cory is shocked! After Feeny leaves, Cory is putting the trash away when he hears something in the bushes. It attacks him!!!

attack Wolf Boy Meets World

The next day he feels really strange. He has strange urges with food. He has hair everywhere!!!

“Cory Matthews: Eric, what you’re about to see may shock you.

Eric Matthews: Then put a towel on.

Cory Matthews: Okay, look! [comes out with his arms thrown in the air, completely normal]

Eric Matthews: Oh, my God! I don’t see anything at all!”

But even though everyone tells him its just puberty and that he isn’t a werewolf, Cory is not convinced. Eric plays along with it as he finds it hilarious.

“Eric: I don’t want to alarm you or anything, but you might be turning into… a werewolf.”

Cory is really upset. At lunch he goes off campus to a yogurt shop and finds himself wanting to eat strange things…things like blood and guts!

Boy Meets World Yogurt Wolf

The blood is actually strawberry yogurt, and the guts are actually chocolate. While there Cory hears the report on the news about the wolf and freaks out, asking the yogurt worker if werewolves are real or not. He tells them that anything could be possible and that Cory should visit his mother, “Madame Ouspenskaya”.

Madame Ouspenskaya is a “gypsy-fortune teller”, that presides in the back room of the yogurt shop. And she not a very good gypsy, but she manages to hit the nail on the head about Cory. As he gives her more and more money to know about his future, she reveals three things that will happen before he fully transforms into a werewolf.

Wolf Man 1941 5


  1. He will develop a taste for strange things.
  2. The pentagram will appear on his palm
  3. And he will kill the girl who cares for him (9:00).

Cory thinks that he will be okay as no girl cares for him, so he won’t have to worry about a full transformation, and tells her so. She tells him that she is the real deal and that he’s over 20 minutes late to class.

When he gets to class, Shawn wants to know what’s up with him. Cory tries to tell him, but Mr. Turner is upset with his tardiness. He tries writing a note to Shawn but Mr. Turner gets angry at him and asks for the paper. Instead of giving it up, Cory stuffs it in his mouth as he doesn’t want Mr. Turner to find it. That’s when he realizes, it’s the first sign.


  1. He will develop a taste for strange things.

Cory becomes really worried and freaked out. He is acting so strange that Mr. Turner asks him to stay after class. He tries to get Cory to open up, but Cory is too freaked. As they are talking, Cory accidentally picks up Mr. Turner’s keys. That’s when he notices the pentagon keychain in the palm of his hand!!!


2. The pentagram will appear on his palm. (Cory thinks a pentagon it is the same thing as a pentagram.)

Afterwards he is freaking out some more. But then he realizes, he doesn’t have any girl that cares for him!! That means he is saved. He’ll be fine!

Double double yay

As Cory is celebrating Topanga goes over to ask Cory what’s up with him. She tells him she cares for him and will listen to his problems.



Someone cares for him, that means is going to be a WEREWOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Topanga tries to reassure him that she doesn’t “like” him that way, she is just a friend, but it’s too late. Cory believes his fate is sealed. He is going to turn into a werewolf and kill Topanga. Which brings us back to the present.

“Cory Matthews: [writing a letter] So I hope that you will all forgive me, so that I now can escape my destiny. Fondly, Cory A.O. Matthews.

Shawn Hunter: What does A.O. stand for?

Cory Matthews: Ah-ooh.”

He makes Shawn promise to take care of Topanga and take him for walks and stuff.

The_Wolf_Man_4Crying sad

Topanga comes over anyways, and Cory tries to get rid of her but it doesn’t work.

Topanga Lawrence: Cory, get a grip. We’re only going to a Halloween party.

Cory Matthews: Yeah, that’s how it starts! Then we get married, have kids, and I eat them!”

To make things worse, Topanga is dressed like a damsel in distress:

BMW Topanga Damsel in distress not distress

He tries to get Topanga to go, but  she refuses. Instead she waits with him and it reaches 9:00 Full Moon!


And nothing happens. Nothing at all. It’s just Cory and Topanga

Finally something GOOD!

Finally something GOOD!

Cory is so happy that he kisses Topanga!

BMW Kiss

The next day, Cory finds out that there was no wolf anywhere, it’s been in the Zoo the whole time. Which begs the question…Who bit Cory?

Sound suspicious

Sound suspicious

It turns out it was just a rabbit. No wolf, just a lil’ ol’ rabbit. But hey Cory, those can be extremely dangerous! Haven’t you ever read Bunnicula?

halloween banner

To start Horrorfest III from the beginning, go to Even a Man Pure of Heart

For the previous post, go to All I Know About Trilogies is That in the Third One, All Bets are Off

halloween banner

For more on Boy Meets World, go to Here I Go

For more on werewolves, go to Keep Clear of the Moor. Beware the Moon

For more horror parodies, go to Tuesday the 17th

For more on gypsies, go to Oh Oh De Lally

For more on Disney, go to I Will Only Answer to the Name of Oommmooooowwwwo!

Snow White of A Day

So as you all know by my previous posts, I go to college. Well I live off-campus and walk or bike to school. Sometimes I get a ride, but mostly I bike or walk. To read about some of my biking adventures, go to Final Destination:Bike Edition

Anyways, so I take an art class and can’t bike my supplies because the sketchbooks are too large. Instead I always walk. So today, it was supposed to rain, so I prepared myself with a poncho and trash bags, just in case it did rain on my way home. And it did. It was pouring. So I wrapped everything up and put on my poncho, looking like some big grape hunchback, oblong creature. I usually look a lot like this.


But today I was carrying my art portfolio under my poncho and looked more like this.

Mr. Greedy

Mr. Greedy

Anyways, so after my art class I was heading back to my apartment, when suddenly I was being pulled back by something. I was stuck and couldn’t get free.

What the

I turned around to see what was keeping me back when I saw it was some tree branches. The tree branches had gotten stuck on my poncho.

What a relief! It's not an axe murderer!

What a relief! It’s not an axe murderer!

Anyways, it felt just like in Snow White when she thinks the trees are evil and grabbing her cape.


I have to say I have a little more respect for her, that cam be really scary.

For more on Snow White, check out Disnified Horror

For more on Disney, check out Would You Like a Pizza My Heart?

For more animated Disney Princesses, take a look at I’m Not Going to Lose Her AgainFrozen Solid; I’m No Warrior, I’m an Assistant Pig-Keeper; and Cinderelly, Cinderelly

For more on Fairy Tales, check out I Wouldn’t Change You, Darling