It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me


No song can better describe what kind of music I love then this one. Now it’s true that I love a wide range of music

Go here to see what you are.

Go here to see what you are.

Heavy metal, jazz, motown, pop, punk, etc- but my all time favorite will be rock ‘n roll.

 Rock n' Roll Rock of Ages 2012

I mean how can you not love it?



It is crucial in music history as through it other genres were developed.

School of rock history of rock

 And there are so many forms of rock: glam rock, punk rock, alternative rock, folk rock, soft rock, hard rock, classic rock, progressive rock, psychedlic rock, pop rock, rock-a-bily, country rock, etc. But it seems today no one cares about rock or rock bands. All they like are pop or rap or hip hop. This is how I feel

But Rock is the best! Here are 100 great rock riffs:

So that’s why this song describes my love for rock perfectly.


Old Time Rock & Roll by Bob Seger

Just take those old records off the shelf
I’ll sit and listen to ’em by myself
Today’s music ain’t got the same soul
I like that old time rock ‘n’ roll
Don’t try to take me to a disco
You’ll never even get me out on the floor
In ten minutes I’ll be late for the door
I like that old time rock ‘n’ roll

Still like that old time rock ‘n’ roll
That kind of music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock ‘n’ roll
Won’t go to hear ’em play a tango
I’d rather hear some blues or funky old soul
There’s only one sure way to get me to go
Start playing old time rock ‘n’ roll
Call me a relic, call me what you will
Say I’m old-fashioned, say I’m over the hill
Today’s music ain’t got the same soul
I like that old time rock ‘n’ roll

Still like that old time rock ‘n’ roll
That kind of music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock ‘n’ roll

And just cause…

Yep, love those oldies.

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For more of my favorite songs, go to Oh What A Night

The End by Silverstein

Please keep reading, you won;t be disappointed,

Please keep reading, you won;t be disappointed,

Silverstein The End

2) The End by Silverstein

So if you remember from my earlier post If It Means A Lot to You, I am doing a countdown of my favorite heartbreak songs to help one get over a break up. Now I did do an earlier post on this song when Michael and I broke up back in December, The End, but I only briefly talked about it. The album A Shipwreck in the Sand is kind of depressing, but still good:

still good

The album details the story of a guy who is cheated on by his girlfriend. To make it even worse, its not just any guy but his best friend. He eventually goes crazy and sets his house on fire, very Secret Window-esque. Even though they broke his trust he still loves his best friend and girlfriend still so he ends up saving them from the fire, but still goes to court for his crimes. He is acquitted but loses his daughter to his girlfriend. He realizes he can’t go on living and ends up taking his life, hence The End.

right in the feels broken heart

Like A Day to Remember and Avenged SevenfoldSilverstein was a band that Michael got me into, one of the several CDs he gave me. (Like I mentioned before a lot of these songs came from him. Is it irony or full circle?)

Like It Meant A Lot To You this song really expressed how I felt about the breakup. So here we go:

The first time we met
Your face became etched
In my mind

So the first time I saw his face, it wasn’t exactly etched in my mind, I mean I didn’t even think he liked me until a couple weeks later. But I also couldn’t stop thinking about him. He intrigued me and I wanted to know more about him.



You were the sun
I was the one
Who worshiped you.
My hands were your guns
Your eyes were my muse.

And I knew you could never love me
I had so much sorrow inside
You could never reach
But can I still keep
A place in your heart?

This was how I felt after he dumped me. I thought it was all my fault, that I was the reason we broke up. Now I know that it wasn’t necessarily what I did, I mean I still have no clue what went wrong between us, but a breakup isn’t one sided, there us far too much that to have it be blamed on only one person (except when cheating is involved.)


And all I kept thinking and hoping (at the time) was maybe he would change his mind, maybe I could hold a place in his heart (I know pathetic 😦 But people act different when they care for others, they don’t do things they normally would. You just aren’t in your right mind)

You broke my heart
You promised me the moon and stars
I fell for your dreams. I fell for your lies
There was no other way
You know I tried

Now this part of the song is sung by the gf but for me all I could think after we broke up was everything that Michael had promised me. Now I know some things were silly, like him planning our trip to Disneyland (I’m not that dense) but I thought that he meant it when we talked about seeing each other in the upcoming months, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, etc. And the worst thing is that I mentioned these things, and he knew he had already decided to break up with me but didn’t have the guts to let me know.


you broke my heart silverstein

And I knew you could never love me
I had so much sorrow inside
You could never reach
But can I still keep
A place in your heart?

There is something
I want you to know
I think you know exactly what it is
I didn’t want to save you
I didn’t want to save you
I set our house on fire
To watch it burn
But I couldn’t just leave you there

I'm talking figuratively here. Don't actually be burning things.

I’m talking figuratively here. Don’t actually be burning things.

And I knew you could never love me
I had so much sorrow inside
You could never reach
But I’ll ask you this

Will you still miss me?
(Yes I’ll miss you)
Do you love me?
(Yes I love you)

Planes fill the sky
We’ll both die tonight
We’ll both die tonight
Hands from the sky
Swat us away like flies
As we follow the light

Planes fill the sky
We’ll both die tonight
We’ll both die tonight
Hands from the sky
Swat us away like flies
As we follow the light

We’ll both die tonight
We’ll both die tonight

Swat us away like flies
(We’ll both die tonight)
As we follow the light
(As we follow the light)

This union, a battle fought and lost
This union was not about the cause
This union was never about love

But you know what, even though it hurt at the time it probably was for the best. If he couldn’t tell me what was going on with him, couldn’t give me any attention,and just wasn’t as invested in our relationship like I was, it was good that we broke up.


Although it did make me sad:


But it can be better to end than to continue something that was not making both parties truly happy. (BTW by using the above pic I do not want anyone out there to think that I’m  still wallowing [that’s over] or anything, it just fit well with what I was saying)



And you’ll meet someone great who will be just right for you.



For more on the Heartbreak Series, go to If It Means a Lot to You


Otherwise here are a few posts you may be interested in

For more on Avenged Sevenfold, go to Belle of the Ball

For more on stories of betrayal by those close to you, check out Wake Up Dad 

For more on what a real man is, go to A Real Man

For more of my favorite songs, go to Once Upon a Time

Wanna Grow Old With You: The Wedding Singer (1998)

Romantic Moment #5


The Wedding Singer (1998)

The Wedding Singer  is my favorite Adam Sandler movie. I love how this movie is jam packed with ’80s music, moments, and outfits.

I LOVE the '80s

I LOVE the ’80s

Almost every line in this film is amazing! I can’t describe how much I enjoy this film; I pretty much have the whole thing memorized.


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The film is about wedding singer Robbie Hart (Adam Sandler) being jilted at the altar by his long time girlfriend Linda.

Wedding Singer Love False Stinks

Julia (Drew Barrymore) and sort of co-worker (is in catering) and a very good friend; tries to get him out of his depression by having him help her plan her wedding. Soon Julia and Robby start developing feelings for each other.

I think we love her.

Julia’s fiancé is a self-centered jerk that is cheating on her, so Robby tries to tell her how he feels. But through a series of misunderstandings, each thinks the other doesn’t care for them.

It all comes to  head when Julia decides to fly off to Vegas to be married and Robby chases after her.

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Most Romantic Moment: Oh It Could Be So Nice, Growing Old With You

Robby jumps on the last flight, scoring the only available seat in first class. There he befriends everyone by telling them the story of him and Julia. Billy Idol has a priceless part in this. Love him!


After Robbie finishes, they discover that Julia is on the same flight with the jerk fiancé, Glen. Robbie, Billy, and the rest of the first class passengers take over the intercom system and Robbie sings a romantic song he wrote for her.

Now this song and moment is really romantic for three reasons:

First: He WROTE HER A SONG! AND IS SERENADING HER! Now what can be more romantic than that? Every girl dreams of having a song written, dedicated, and serenaded to her. It’s one of those romantic clichés we all dream about.

So romantic

So romantic

Second: He wrote this song because of what Julia told him about her views on love and finding “the one” were.

Robbie: How did you know that Glenn was the right one? 
Julia: The right one, ah… I always just envisioned the right one being someone I could see myself growing old with. 
Robbie: Yeah. 
Julia: And… Glenn would be a really good-looking older man. Like Blake Carrington. 
Robbie: I’m gonna probably look like Buddy Hackett.

He knew that finding someone to grow old with was most important thing to her; so not only did he choose to write a song for her about her ideals, but she also has the knowledge that she inspired him, she’s his muse.

So romantic

So romantic

Third: If you actually review the lyrics of the song they are really meaningful. I had to do a write up for one of my classes on what song I thought was most romantic; and I chose this one. I love this song because it shows the commitment and value that he is placing on their relationship and marriage. A friend of mine once said that, “Love is knowing someone is always there for you, for better or for worst, sickness or in health. No matter what happens or what hardships you face, you face them together, and always knowing that you are not alone.”; and I feel this song really captures that sentiment.

[Billy Idol (Speaking):] Good afternoon everyone. 
We’re flying at 26, 000 feet, moving 
Up to thirty thousand feet, and then we’ve got clear skies 
All the way to Las Vegas, and right now we’re bringing you some in-flight 
Entertainment. One of our first-class passengers would like to sing you a song 
Inspired by one of our coach passengers, and since we let our first-class 
Passengers do pretty much whatever they want, here he is. 

[Robbie Hart (Singing):] 
I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad 
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad 
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you 

I’ll get your medicine when your tummy aches 
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks 
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you 

I’ll miss you 
Kiss you 
Give you my coat when you are cold 

Need you 
Feed you 
Even let ya hold the remote control 

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink 
Put you to bed when you’ve had too much to drink 
I could be the man who grows old with you 
I wanna grow old with you

So romantic

So romantic

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To start Romance is in the Air from the beginning, go to Boom Box of Love: Say Anything (1989)

For the previous post, go to Carried Away: An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)


For more on The Wedding Singer, go to Love Stinks